Tuesday 20 April 2021

The Shiwan Shouxing Pottery Scuplture: Statement of Significance

This sculpture represents the deity from Daoism: Shouxing, which is a wedding gift to the owner in 1992 (the front and side view refer to figure. 1). Considering both the friend and the married couple are Cantonese, the friend chooses the pottery sculpture set that produces locally, which is the Sanxing pottery figurine set: Fuxing (fortune), Luxing (prosperity), and this sculpture, Shouxing (longevity). The sculpture was being placed on the top of the cupboard for more than a decade, and it has been placed on the cupboard for almost 20 years even after the owner has moved the house. 

Figure.1 front and side view of Shouxing

The identifiable marks from the bottom of the sculpture state the name of the maker and the name of the kiln, Shiwan (refer to Figure. 2) . This kiln was famous for lively figurine since the 6th century (Lin, 2017), and the renowned skill is also demonstrated in the Shouxing sculpture. When China met her heyday during maritime trading, Shiwan kiln has counted a part in this history, by the early Canton immigrates brought the sculpture as they brought their memory, culture with home to a new place, also their long for staying connected with the immigrant’s subcultural group (Liu, 2017). 

Figure. 2 Identifiable marks at the base of sculpture

Besides the social value from Shiwan kiln, the appearances of Shouxing also include cultural significance. The earliest description of Shouxing in Chinese literature is from Hanyue Poem (汉乐府), a poetry collection that could date back to BC 200. The feature of Shouxing has become an elderly who is “big protruded forehead”, “long ear”, “riding a deer”, “holding long wand and peach” 

(refer to following website due to copyright: 

  • https://digicol.dpm.org.cn/cultural/detail?id=5a2261795a414c3dba1bf6f1802a86d9
  • https://digicol.dpm.org.cn/cultural/detail?id=96b836f79f1e47e3a4582ce6c225e72f)

The last feature particularly represents healthy and longevity, therefore the disjoin on the wand holds necessary to receive treatment in the current situation (refer to Figure.4 ). 

Figure.4 Disjoin on wand on object's proper left side

The whole sculpture remains in a safe and stable condition in the assessment of 2021. However there are crackles and bubbles found on the glaze, and some insect frass are found on the object surface that needs to be cleaned.


Cheng, B. & Sun, L.., 2020. 南极老人星崇拜下的寿星图像传播及其民俗意蕴 [Dissemination of the Image of the Longevity Star under the Worship of the Antarctic Old Man Star and Its Folk Implication]. Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition). 19-1, 12-18 

Liu, M., 2017. 中国传统工艺技术-石湾陶卷 [Chinese traditional craftsmanship - Shiwan Pottery]. Beijing: China Science Publishing & Media.

Liu, D., 2013. 石湾陶塑技艺 [Shiwan Pottery Sculpture Skill]. Guangzhou: Guangdong World Books Publishing Company.

故宫博物院数字文物库网站. https://digicol.dpm.org.cn/.


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