Original Dutch message here:
Britten verklaren Beatles-zebrapad heilig
Two English sites which figure the same message are here...
Abbey Road crossing gets heritage protection
The Beatles' Abbey Road crossing gets UK heritage protection
"The London crosswalk pictured on the cover of the Abbey Road album by the Beatles has been designated as a site of national importance by the British government.
The heritage designation, approved Wednesday, means the crossing can only be altered with the approval of the local authorities, who must consider the historic significance of the site before approving any changes."
I can clearly spot some conservation problems here! First of all, this crossing is still in use! It’s going to wear down if people keep walking on it, and if cars keep crossing it. And if you compare the first image to the second image, you can see that it’s been quite damaged since the Beatles first crossed it (and quite altered too...).
Clearly this site can’t be conserved in a 'ordinary manner', by trying to prevent damage from occurring to the site through either covering it or limiting the public’s access to the site. So how are they going to conserve this site? Surely this crossing must be restored again and again if you want to keep it visible and recognizable as a crossing!
And what is the UK trying to conserve here anyway? What is the historic significance of this site? According to the Dutch article the crossing is not even in the original location anymore because it has been relocated a few meters about 30 years ago. So is it the intangible aspect? The fact that once upon a time there used to be a crossing in the vicinity of the present-day crossing where the Beatles once walked on?